Friday, October 26, 2012

Cajun Country Corn Maze

A  little over a week ago, our family went with Bayou Cajun Homeschoolers for the homeschool day at the Cajun Country Corn Maze.  This is an annual event that my kids don’t want to miss.  In fact, they had to convince their father to go along with us in order for them to attend and he obliged.

Here we are loaded up getting ready to head out to the maze.  Yes, daddy has a homeschool shirt too.


This year they started out the day showing the kids some different type of farm birds. 

A beautiful chocolate turkey


Rob holding Isaac while we look at the turkey and chickens.   He was quite the trooper that day.  He even got his wheelchair stuck in the sand.  Old McDonald had to help push him out and we had to reset his chair in order for it to run again.



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Then, it was time for the pig races.



Here’s Old McDonald giving out the rules and then picking the different teams for the races.


Cai and Emma were each picked for during the races.


As you can see, Emma and Miriam’s team won their race.  The winners get pig noses!



The three “i” pig made his appearance again!


The last race is a team of adults and children.  The losing team has to kiss the pig!!!



  After the pig races, we went back to the covered picnic area to get our rules and instructions from Old McDonald before entering the corn maze._A150052

Cutie Tootie Isaac


This is what the maze looks like this year if you were able to see it from overhead.

(Our maze map)


Starting the maze

(Rob stayed out under the covered picnic area while we went through the maze due to the terrain and his wheelchair.


 Candi with her classic smile:)


The Corn Cops


After the maze, we ate lunch and the kids played.

Here’s Asa showing me his food or something.


The Cow Trains




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The Hay Ride in pumpkin cars.


Here’s Isaac covered in mud and dirt!!!

I think he had a good time:)_A150094

The Corn Crib


Climbing on the Spider Web_A150100

The fun slides


The water pumps and (plastic)duck races



The Bounce Pillow


Corn Cannons


Emma and Sarah


1 comment:

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

It looks like everyone had a good time.