Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Smile Session

P3090607 Tuesday on his 6 month mark, I tried all day to get a cute smile for his 6 month post.  He was rather grumpy that day.  It could have been because he had his shots at his check-up that day or the fact that he seems to be teething.  (Lots and lots of drool and gnawing on toys!!!)

Yesterday, I had my camera out taking pictures of some things with the other children and he just kept smiling and smiling. 

Here are just a few:






Asa is a joy beyond words.  I just can’t believe he is already 6 months old. 

If you would have asked me whether I wanted a boy or girl when I was pregnant (as if I had a choice), I would have said a girl.  The Lord knows what is best for our family and we love each and everyone of these blessings.   This little boy has captivated my heart like I would have not expected.  I love my Asa man:)

Asa is a very happy little boy.  He is smiles most of the time.  He is bigger than our other babies.  He has many babysitters who love to play, hold and help him.  Asa can roll from his back to his tummy and from his tummy to his back.  He eats rice cereal, fruits, and vegetables.   He takes two naps a day and has been sleeping through the night since around 8-9 weeks old.  I think he’s ready to play with his brothers and sisters!!!

I wonder how he will be different from the other boys since he has two sisters in front of him!

Love you, Asa!!!


Cinnamon said...

He is so adorable!! I have enjoyed seeing him grow and that beautiful smile grow :-)

I have one boy that has one sister above him and three below him. He plays the best & most - out of all the boys - with his sisters.


Anonymous said...

Oh... so cute... I wish I could love on him! I don't have any babies in my life now....

Disney for Boys said...

This is just the cutest post ever!!! He is so precious. :-)

Mountain Mama said...

Oh! He is soooo cute. Lo-ove that smile.

Anonymous said...

that is one sweet, happy little dude!

The Adventures of a Simple Life said...

Great smiles you have captured of little Asa. Looking at them makes me break into a smile! Such a blessing from God he is!!!

Jenn said...

How precious! I just love those smiles. My Aaron had that same outfit. It has a brown puppy on the front doesn't it??

Kristy said...

He continues to be the cutest baby! Too adorable!