Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Isaac ~ 8 weeks Old

I can’t believe that our little man, Isaac, is 8 weeks old today.  He is growing like a weed.  We love his precious smiles and his new cooing noises.  Do you ever wonder what babies are thinking?  I do.



I had to post both of these because I wanted you see his beautiful eyes in color but I loved it in black and white too.

IMG_5869       IMG_5869bw


We love our little Isaac!!!

These precious pictures were taken by my friend’s daughter, Gabbi yesterday while we her at their house.   Thanks Gabbi!!!

I’ve had little time to blog but have two or three posts (camping, field trip, and baby shower) that I want to do.  As soon as I’m able, I’ll try to catch up:)


Pat said...

Such a sweet smile. You are right about the eyes - beautiful!!

Laura said...

Oh so precious he is!!!! 8 weeks already, hard to believe!

I look forward to your baby shower post, I having the same problem lately ...having time to blog! I'll enjoy reading it whenever you get time, for now take care of the important things:)

Tracy said...

So adorable! And great shots Gabbi!

The Adventures of a Simple Life said...

He is adorable! He has grown since I have been there! Love his smile! And his eyes are very handsome!!!