From Pastor Dale: Pastor Rob is still doing well. He has been “fitted” for his new wheelchair and it has been ordered. They are rotating him from side to side every two hours which puts him in positions that are uncomfortable for his neck and makes it difficult to sleep.
The main need in this update is the van/bus. One of our members went to Birmingham to check out the vehicle I mentioned in my last update and it wasn’t nearly as nice as it appeared in the photos. This option is most likely off the table. So pass this need on to others to be on the lookout for a possible vehicle that will seat 12 plus a wheelchair lift. Any financial help will also be greatly appreciated. God’s providence continues to be rich and sufficient.
Amy - praying for your dear family.
We continue to uphold your dear family before the Throne of Grace!
Here is a possible lead on a bus to check out that may be located in your neck of the woods: wheelchair handicap buses for sale,rt
I hope your husband gets better
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