Well, it’s been a while since I’ve been on here to visit with you. Life has been full and busy. Lots of adjustments and changes since Rob’s accident. We are so thankful for all of the notes, prayers, financial blessings, meals, etc from people all over the world. It has been overwhelming to see the Lord work through His people for His people. Our Father continues to provide and amazes us. We are experiencing something that we would have never had the opportunity to experience had Rob not had this accident.
We’ve been home together for about 3 weeks now. Still trying to get in a new routine with all that is required to care for Rob along with normal family requirements. Things are getting a little easier or at least more familiar. So many things that go along with a injury to his extent. Also, still waiting on transportation.
Rob is getting stronger each and every day with the muscles that he was able to keep in his shoulders and biceps. Even though he doesn’t have the use of his hands or fingers, he has found ways to manage different task such as feeding himself and getting around on the computer with the help of some little devices. He continues to work to build his daily endurance being up and sitting in the wheel chair.
The children are very helpful especially the bigger boys. They help get him dressed in the morning by putting on his socks and shoes and helping him to put on his shirt. They rotate being the ones getting up and in his wheelchair throughout the day. This has been a blessing and a great help so I can get into the kitchen to work on breakfast/our morning routine.
Once again, I want to express our thankfulness to everyone who has and is praying for our family, have sent words of encouragement, have sent or given financially to our family, and those who have provided or who are providing meals for our families. All of these things have been a great blessing to our family. The Lord has brought some very special people into our lives that we may have never met otherwise.
For those of you who have provided financially for our family, I wanted to list some of the things that this has been or is being used to bless our family:
1. gas back and forth from Baton Rouge to New Orleans
2. parking while in New Orleans
3. food for all of us while living between two places when Rob was in the hospital
4. medical bills
5. transportation for Rob and our family
6. medical equipment that is not being covered by insurance
7. remodeling/home modifications of our master bath to make it handicap accessible for Rob
8. co-pays for all of his therapies
9. future expenses that will continue to come our way due to this injury
I can’t express the gratitude that our hearts feel for all of you! Thank you so much for praying and loving on our family!!!!!
Some prayer requests:
1. Continue to pray for Rob’s strength and healing
2. Pray that his pressure sore would continue to heal. It is looking much better.
3. Pray for our family as we continue get into our “new” normal. Also, that when we add school to our routine things would go smoothly.
4. Pray that the Lord would continue to show himself through our family and that He would continue to receive all of the praise and glory through this journey that He has purposed for us to walk.
5. Pray for baby girl Shelby and this pregnancy. Everything is going well.
6. Pray for our transportation situation.
7. Pray for some of the insurance issues we are dealing with and some kinks that we are facing.
8. Pray for me as I continue to care for Rob, the children, and all of the additional and regular daily tasks. Help me not to murmur or complain but to do it lovingly. May the Lord grant me strength to be a godly wife and mother each day! Thankful that even when I fail, He is there, grants me forgiveness, and a new day to try again.
Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness! Ps 115:1
Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3
For those of you who have asked how you can help, you can go to www.shelbyfamilyfund.com.
Been following your story & praying for y'all. Will continue to pray!
I am a missionary in Nakagawa, Japan. I heard about your family in July. We have been following and praying right along with you. We will continue to pray for your family. God bless!!
Amy~know that I am praying for you, Rob, and those precious kiddos. I will be praying for the specifics you put on your post. thanks for the update!
Amy, You amaze me. You said this:
Help me not to murmur or complain but to do it lovingly.
You, dear heart, are a Proverbs 31 woman. I am continuing to pray for you!
Renee Sherman Dean
Praying for you and your family.
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