Monday, June 22, 2009

VBS 2009 ~ Upward Bound

This past weekend our church held its Vacation Bible School. We do our VBS in one weekend. A lot of our daddies partcipate as the teachers so it allows them to be apart of it along with not taking up the family time for a whole week. They get 5 sessions just like if they were in a week long VBS along with arts and crafts, snacks, dinner on Friday night, and lunch on Saturday. We also include ages 4 through high school for our VBS.

Our theme for this year was Upward Bound: The Journey of Christ as He took upon himself flesh. It had a decor theme of a mountain expedition. My friend, Candi, helped me out in the kitchen this year. I have been one of the ones in charge of the kitchen for the past several years. I enjoy planning the snacks and meal for the weekend.

We use the fellowship hall so it is a very large area to decorate. It takes a lot just to make it look like it has been decorated at all. Here are some of the decorations for the kitchen thanks to my Aunt Pat (students at her school), Candi, ZeeZee (Candi's mom), a few signs from Hannah and Martha (girls at church), and some of my things from home.

Candi's mom made all of the table centerpieces which totaled 9 in all. It really made the completion of the room. Thanks ZeeZee!!

We had backpacks and sleeping bags hanging along the edges of the walls around the room.

This was our camp site.

Our cooking supplies for our camp site.

Thank you Aunt Pat, ZeeZee, Candi, Hannah, and Martha for helping out with the decorations!

Now for some pictures taken throughout the weekend.

Morning worship rally with Pastor Dale

AJ and Matthew get things ready in the craft room.

Candi serving a snack to some of the children during one of the snack times.

Snacks included trail mix with cheese cubes and Gatorade and homemade granola with yogurt and citrus punch. Lunch was hamburgers and hot dogs along with baked beans, homemade mac-n-cheese, vegetable tray, smores bars and mountain cupcakes.

Cade getting a snack.

One of the classes snacking.
One of the classes during craft time.

Tate showing off his windsock.
Can you guess what this was supposed to represent?

Candi made these cupcakes into a mountain theme. Here you have the snow cap mountains with the forest and lake. You did a great job Candi!

Thanks Craig for grilling the delicious burgers!

More craft time...I don't have pictures from the other rooms because we were upstairs and the crafts were in a room behind us. We didn't have much time to run around taking pictures while preparing the food.

AJ and Christine

I warned AJ that if he made a funny face it would make the blog.

Candi with her big smile!

Chad, Mrs. Pat, and Pastor Dale getting lunch

Some of them sitting down to eat while the others are getting their food.



Mrs. Pat (our pastor's wife) with Cai, Abram, and Tate
Ian and Cade
Our Group shot minus Pastor Dale who is always taking the pictures.

It was a great weekend. The kids really enjoyed it. As you can see, we are small in number but we believe our focus to see our children brought to faith and repentance and trust in Christ for all things is just as important as if we were large. May the Lord use the teaching they received and the preaching of the gospel to prick their hearts and save them.


Jenn said...

What a neat idea to do it all in a weekend like that. I think it turned out great and looks like the kiddos and adults had a great time.

Those brownies look yummy too!

Chelle said...

Looks like everyone enjoyed themselves. All that food sure does look yummy!