Sunday, January 27, 2013

Happy 12th Birthday

Today is Ian's 12th birthday. He was hoping his baby sister would choose to make her appearance today and share his special day but it doesn't look like that is going to happen.

Ian loves to fix things and figure out how things work. He has been a blessing since Rob's accident. He's the go to guy when we need to fix or build something. Although, we try to show the other boys and let them help so they will be knowledgeable in these areas as well. These things just come natural to Ian.


May the Lord bless you with many more years to serve him!


Laura said...

Happy Birthday Ian!!!!

May this year be filled with much joy in Christ, and may you continue to grow physically and spiritually. Sounds like working with you hands is a gift you have been given, what a blessing you are being to your family!

The Muncks

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was praying for a sister for your birthday present too!

Happy Birthday from all the Joneses!
Miss Nikki